Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 30, Graceland, Memphis, TN

The Mighty Mississippi River.
On the bridge crossing the Mississippi River to Tennessee. We came across this bridge yesterday. Our day is in two separate posts since we got so much in today. Be sure to look at both posts.

Here we are in the plaza of museums devoted to Elvis and his career. One cannot do Memphis without doing the Graceland tour. We are waiting to board the shuttle that will take us across the street to he mansion, then bring us back here to visit the group of museums and, of course, souvenir shops. There are also several cafes and an old time soda shop.

Graceland, named for the wife of a doctor who had the house built. Elvis liked the name and retained it after purchasing the place in, I think, 1957. We are supplied with a head set and audio receiver so we can progress through the place at our own pace. there are some areas of the tour where we can listed to additional info if we choose.

This is the Living Room just to the right of the front entrance. This photo is a little blurry because not flash photography is allowed, but with all the white in this room it was worth a try.

The back of the house.

The stables and fenced area for horses. We are told that Elvis' favorite horse was a palomino like this one seen here. He had just about every motorized toy available, which are on display in one of the buildings along with his cars, and of course the pink Cadillac he bought for his Mom. Can't get photos inside the house and buildings because flash photography is not allowed, and without a tripod a decent photo without flash is impossible with my camera.

Monument overlooking Meditation Garden. The garden is to the side of the house just beyond the swimming pool. Elvis had this area built for quiet meditation while he resided at Graceland.

Elvis is interred here with his parents and grandmother. There is also a plaque for his twin brother who died in infancy.

Visitors walking through Meditation Garden.

Our last look at Graceland Mansion before we board the shuttle back across the street.

Elvis' personal jetliner. Plush on the inside. The restrooms have gold plated sinks.

The Heartbreak Hotel. The camp ground we are in is just behind this hotel. We expected the hotel to be more elaborate than this. it is quite nondescript. the lobby is small, but has some rather bold pieces of furniture.

The pool at the hotel, carrying through with the theme.

A vintage TV in the lobby of the hotel. The screen is probably 14" on the diagonal. We remember seeing sets like these. Of course, a movie starring Elvis is playing.

A corner of the lobby of the hotel.

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