Saturday, June 21, 2008

We're working on it

The spotty WiFi services we've encountered the past week have made it difficult or impossible to upload our photos. We will get caught up soon, hopefully. Most of the RV parks have WiFi, but sometimes the signal is weak where we are located, or more users are on line than the router can accommodate.

Please, bear with us.

We did reach New York, the Empire State, on Monday. We stayed in Corning for three nights and are presently in Wolcott near Lake Ontario. Tomorrow we head for Niagara Falls. We have seen some beautiful country. We opted to forgo New York City and visit other part of the state, and are sure you will understand when the photos finally get uploaded.

We have had much cooler weather starting with the day we visited Philadelphia, and the Bear is much happier. In fact, since we hit New York it has been stormy and quite chilly untill today.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 15, Gettysburg & New Oxford, PA

Shenandoah River overlook on the way to Gettysburg.

Another view from the overlook. The Bear is really enjoying this excursion.

Civil War, Battle of Gettysburg.

Union soldier camp, the tent of General Grant, on the grounds of the Gettysburg Visitors' Center. Dan is having an historical discussion with General Grant and his aides.

A monument to all who fought in the Civil War in this battlefield.

Reynolds statue.
The cannon on the front left of this monument was actually used in the Battle of Gettysburg.

Monument at McPherson Farm. McPherson gave support to the Union Troops. The first day's battle was in this area, July1, 1863.

Eternal Light Peace Memorial to all soldiers who have served in war time.

View of a landscape of part of the battle field.

Overlooking the battle ground from the location of the Eternal Light Peace Memorial. The Bear is intrigued by the cannon.

New Oxford, PA, Town Square. New Oxford was established in 1792. We passed through this village on our way to Gettysburg and had to stop and walk around the Town Square and admire the old buildings that have stood here since the village was established.

Town Square.

The center of the Town Square. This creates a "round-a-bout" traffic pattern. We have experienced this traffic pattern in a few of the other towns we have gone through.

Making friends with the local citizens before we head back to the camp ground. We got a lot of walking in today.

June 16, to Corning, New York

We made it! We have reached New York! First stop will be in Corning.
It has amazed us how green the country is east of the Rockies. Another interesting thing we have noticed is the lack of fencing except what is required to retain livestock. The manufacturers of riding lawn mowers must have big sales numbers here.

We are given the option of setting up in a pull-through space with no shade or a back-in space in the trees. We opted for the space in the trees since we have experienced such hot weather so far.
The road from our space to the office & shower/toilet building. We are really in the woods here and it is quiet and secluded. However, the weather seems to be cool and we are still following or chasing the storm clouds. Dan is a little down about being so secluded since he likes to visit with the neighboring campers. The weather is stormy and chilly and being in the trees keeps the sun from warming the trailer whe it does make an occational appearance from behind the storm clouds. However, this is a nice change of scenery.

We arrive at the Corning House of Glass visitors' center to find that a Model A Club is having an outing here, too. Of course everyone wants to talk to the owners of these cars and some ask permission to take photos of their children standing on the running board.
Dan had a Model A when he was a high schooler and is always excited about seeing these antique cars. When he tells the owner of the auto below that he had owned one as a teenager, the guy says, "And you made a hot rod out of it?" Dan's reply, "No, definitely not!"

The Bear wants to pose with a Model A just like the little kids did. The owner is glad to obliged.

The Corning Museum of Glass. We see some very interesting items made of glass, a lot of art pieces, and sit through a demonstration of "blowing" glass to create a vase. We can also see several people in the art glass section working of pieces to be place in the store. Not surprising, the building is constructed using a lot of glass. It would have been interesting to have gone through the actual factory that makes the Pyrex and Corell ware if it were possible.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Amish Farms & Lancaster, PA, June 14

This market is named after the town in which it is located. The products here are top notch in quality.

Just inside of the entrance is this deli booth. There are booths with produce, booths with baked goods, booth with canned goods. We decide to buy a slice of Shoo Fly Pie since neither of have ever seen or tasted this kind of pie. We have seen it made on a few TV programs and this is an adventure even when food is involved. The pie filling is like a custard and interesting but not something we are excited about.

One of the houses we see throughout the farm lands. This one was impressive. There are far too many lovely houses to photograph them all or to include in this blog.

The horse drawn buggies all have these reflectors on the back, most likely due to state regulations. Some are fully enclosed to protect riders from the elements, and some are open like this one. We see youngsters on bicycles without pedals, we'll have to research this to see if the use of gears is prohibited in this sect. There are children pulling flatbed wagons, and everyone seems to busy doing something constructive.

Street side of the mill.

Amish Farm. The farms are beautifully green and picture perfect. The houses and barns are large, beautiful and well cared for. This is a "picture perfect" landscape. The corn crops are in various stages of maturity, no doubt to stagger the harvests.

This particular farm has a row of flowering and decorative plants along this edge. Hope these photos convey the scenery well.

Hershey, PA, June 14

Were here at the corner of Chocolate and Cocoa. Check out the street light.
Tour of a mock up of the factory. A lot like a Disneyland ride.

Looks like the Happiest Place on Earth to us!

This must be a great place to work, I think I clock in for a shift of chocolate!

Dan with Mr. & Mrs. Hershey at the beach.

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 13, Friday, to Elizabethtown, PA

The Bear wants to sit by the pond and enjoy the cooler weather before we leave here.

He feels that he has to supervise the preparation to leave, to be sure no one forgets anything important.

View of the Delaware River from the Commondore Barry Bridge going into Pennsylvania.

On the Bridge.

Looking at Bridgeport, PA, from the bridge. If there was a welcome to Pennsylvania sign on the bridge I missed it while taking photos of the river.

We are amused by this street sign.

Another interesting house, this one is across the street from the place we stopped for lunch.

Buggy traffic just outside of Lancaster, PA. This area has a large community of Mennonites...

and beautiful farms. We have seen miles and miles of corn fields or fields with alternating sections of wheat and corn.

June 12, Clarksboro, NJ

Today is a chore day. There has to be days to get the laundry and cleaning done and this is one of them.