Saturday, May 22, 2010

#82 When we took possession

The front of the house was obscured by overgrown juniper shrubs and bougainvillea. The place had been empty for 6 months which accounts for the dry lawn surrounding the spruce tree. At least the tree is established and is doing well. Portion of the back yard - sun room on the right
Living room from the front door
Living room looking toward the front door. It seemed like the resident gave up on packing up her belongings and left a lot of stuff behind.
Dining room viewed from living room. Again, the cabinet was full of stuff.

Kitchen as seen from dining room. There was food in the ref. and cupboards. Dirty dished in the sink and dog food stashed in the dishwasher.
Second bedroom

Main bath: the pile beyond the fan is adult diapers - and more were left in the shower.

The master bedroom and bath. The closet was half full of clothing.
The cabinets were full of stuff

Quite a collection of colognes, many still in unopened packaging, and more stuff inside the cabinet. For some reason we did not get pics of the inside of the sun room which was full of stuff including two bookcases of books.
The place was full of dust, dog hair and spider webs. However, there was a vacuum left behind that came in useful once we purchased the required filter.

The Fixer-upper

We have purchased a larger mobile home in a park very near where we now live. Twice the space and more yard for a vegetable garden. But . . . . it needs loads of work. Well, our modus operndi is "make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" (referring to dwellings of course), and we're at it again.

Just when we thought we had moved into our last house we find another. However, it is a great feeling to see what our hard work can create.

Stay tuned for the photos of progress . . . . . . .