Sunday, May 25, 2008

Oklahoma City, Ok, May 23

This is our first stop after checking into the camp ground and getting the trailer set up. Champion pigeons of several breeds are housed here. The curators care for, train and breed birds belonging to several people and their own. There are cages with many of the fancy breeds. One breed in particular is interesting. This one is called a Parlor Roller. The Parlor Roller was bread by royalty in Europe for entertainment. This breed does not fly, but rolls head over tail across the ground while flapping it's wings. There is another "roller" which somersaults as it flies in the air. There are coops of racing and homing pigeons. The museum and library. This was very interesting to Dan since he had raised pigeons during his youth. His grandfather raised and raced homing pigeons.

These men are installing "snake mesh" around the bases of all of the coops. When we arrived we saw a dead garter snake on a table. This snake had been caught in one of the nests after devouring a couple of chicks. This are champion birds and their chicks are important to the owners and breeders.

Coop for racing pigeons. the smaller one is just a sample showing how large a coop is required to house 25 pigeons. If the day had been sunny it would have been possible to get photos of the beautiful pigeons housed here.

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