Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 30, Mud Island, Memphis, TN

At the entrance of the Mud Island Visitors' Center. Some Easter Egg! The lettering on the egg says it all.

We heard about Mud Island while sitting in a cafe on the Graceland tour visiting with a couple and their daughter who are visiting from England. The island has a scale replica of the entire Mississippi River laid out in stone. We have to get across the Mud River to the island by a bridge. We just missed the tram, but we can walk across on the level above the tram rail. This gives us a chance to really enjoy the views as we cross. Of course, Dan stays in the center of the bridge while I go to the rails to get the photos.

Bronze statue of B.B. King in the Visitors' Center.

Here's the Mud Island Visitors' Center looking from the bridge. The egg shape is at the right of the building in the grassy area.

From the bridge to the north.

Here we see the tip of Mud Island from the bridge. The Mud River meets the Mississippi here.

Looking back at a portion of Memphis from the bridge.

Shot of the island boat docks from the bridge.

Out first sight of the river replica, which runs 3/4 of a mile along the island, from the foot bridge over the Mud River. Children are encouraged to take their shoes off and wade in the water if they want.

This Mocking Bird is perched on the plaque as if he is posing for a photo. I guess this makes him a model. The plaque shows the path of the Mississippi River through the states on its way to the Gulf.

The major cities are laid out including bridges.

This wall, comprised of stone work, is a map of the states the Mississippi River and tributaries flow through. It is also a water feature, one of several on the island.

Here's Dan watching a barge move up the river.

We watched this barge progress up the Mississippi River to this freeway bridge. This photo will give a perspective of how large the barge is.

Memphis Skyline from the footbridge to Mud Island.

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