Monday, May 26, 2008

May 24, Oaklahoma City, OK

We were told to visit the historic old town section called Bricktown. What great advice this is! At the entrance of Bricktown is this baseball stadium used by the local semi-pro team. There is a game going on and the place looks full.
Someone we me at the campground sent us here thinking we'd find an item we want for the trailer. This place is like an amusement park. I can only imagine the cost of decorating the place.

Ready to explore the store.

Little fall and stream stocked with ducks and crawdads.

This place is full of dioramas depicting all forms of outdoor life.

Well, he almost disappeared in the hunting section.

This group is at the entrance.

This one keeps an eye on the restrooms. The greeter said to look out for droppings.

Viewed from the end of the path to the river park area.

The river & park area by the Bass Pro Shop Outdoor World.

"The settlers"

"The Leading Riders"

"Crossing the River"

Some of the downtown buildings.

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