Monday, May 26, 2008

May 25, to Branson, Missouri

The view of the Turnpike form the MacDonald's above it. We really needed this chance to get out of the van and walk around. This place was an entertaining stop. We have a big trip today in order to get from Oklahoma City to Branson, Missouri, and rest stops will be part of the plan to make the trip less tiring. At least the wind has been lighter and at our back pushing us along instead of holding us back.
This is the rest area on the Turnpike (toll road) between Oklahoma city and the Missouri border. These rest areas are usually in an island between the opposing lanes of traffic. This one was off to the sides with gas stations and over the freeway with the "Golden Arches", gift shops, an ice cream shop, and a small museum honoring Will Rogers.

This is the scene beside the freeway through most of Oklahoma.

Here we are in Missouri.

Here we are in Branson, Mo, planning to see what the place is so famous for.

The main drag of Branson is theaters, restaurants, hotels, and souvenir shops.

The Duttons are the family that was one of the finalists on "America's Got Talent". Looks like the appearances on the show paid off. Now they have their own theatre and are doing what they love...performing and making music as a family, and they can include whom ever they want.

This is the corner of a Miniature Golf Course and amusement place.

The Ripley's people really like crazy architecture.

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