Saturday, June 25, 2011

Danbury, Conn, 06232011

Peggy served a fabulous breakfast before we departed this morning.
The bumble bees were really working over these flowers at the West Virginia welcome center.

We cross over state lines getting from one place to another, usually going through a corner or small section of each state.
We took a winding forest road (209) toward New York State. Reached Port Jervis, NY, about 3 PM. A Quaint town. But once we go back onto the freeway (I-84) we were backed up twice behind accidents before leaving the state of New York.
Crossed the Hudson River at 5 PM.
The weather was cloudy & drizzly, so we opted to check into the Danbury, Conn., Super 8. We had dinner at the McDonald's across the street. We were too tired to try to find a restaurant.
There wasn't much to photograph here, since we simply stopped for a night's rest.

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