Saturday, June 25, 2011

Carlisle, PA 06222011

We left the Staunton/Walnut Hills KOA (Near Stuarts Draft) this morning. We traveled through parts of West Virginia and Maryland before entering Pennsylvania about 3 PM.
We wanted to find a Bass Pro Shop to check out the camp stoves for back packing. The one we have leaked kerosene this morning. We found one in Harrisburg. Didn't find a stove we liked, but we did find some nice articles of clothing. Besides, visiting these stores is quite an experience. We encountered this bear while go up the stairs.

This is a shot from the bridge over the Susquehanna River while traveling to our next stop for the night. Wish we had remembered to ask our hosts about the arched bridges.
These are our hosts in Carlisle, PA, Bob & Peggy. She had some delicious home made potato salad and chicken fingers ready for us when we arrived. We also had left over lasagna & spaghetti from last night's dinner. After dinner they drove us through the historical areas of the town. We saw buildings that were built in the 1700's. We went past the church where George Washington worshiped. We toured the Military College & Museum grounds, a place where military officers study. We stopped for ice cream cones at Bob & Peggy's favorite place before heading back to their home. Wonderful hosts and great people. We only wish we had remembered to get the camera before driving into town.This is their back yard and the field beyond. This area was filled with lightning bugs at dusk whick made it sparkle.

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