Monday, June 27, 2011

Sturbridge, Mass 06(24&25)2011

The weather was drizzly off and on this day, with dark clouds. We planned to camp in Wells State Park and hoped we wouldn't be rained on. When we stopped to check on the weather forcast rain was predicted. When we reached Sturbridge we decided that a hotel or motel would be a better idea. We saw the Super 8 and stopped to check in, but they were booked for the night.
We decided to go to the camp ground and hope for the best. We planned to spend 2 night here, and could get in that day, but not the next. So, Dan was being charming and working to convince a family to share their space with us the next night. They were amused, but looked like they were seriously considering the idea. We selected our site and got set up.
We were in a wooded area on a lake. The ground was damp from rain earlier in the day. The mosquitos were out already, in the middle of the day, so we applied the repellant, but not before being bitten a few times. We built a nice little fire to sit by until time for bed. We were awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of thunder and the rain gently falling. The rain continued to increase and we turned on the lantern to check for leaks, but all seemed well, and we were warn enough. However, when we got up in the morning we noticed that the sleeping bag was wet at our feet, and there was some water on the floor on one side. The entrance flap had leaked some.

The minor leaking of the tent changed everything. We had to get to a laundromat to do laundry and dry out the sleeping bag. Dan dropped Linda off at the laundromat and went back to break camp. He returned with the bedding, sleeping bag and tent. The tent was spread out on pavement next to the building and we put the sleeping bag in a dryer for a few minutes. At least the weather was dry and warm so the tent could dry out. Dan said that as he was checking out of the campground the family he has tried to charm into sharing their space the second nigh said that thay would make room in their space. But by that time we had found a room in town for the night. He told them that we had "wimped out", but thanked them anyway.
The laundromat:
After we finished the laundry and checked into the hotel we visited the Old Town Sturbridge area. This was why Dan had planned the stop here. The village depicts life in the 1800's and is located on a farm that was active during that time.

Examples of fabric production in the home before American factories were producing fabrics and ready made clothing.
A typical kitchen setting.
There was a wagon for visitors pulled by Belgan Draft Horses. Here we saw them approaching from the covered bridge.

The area was set up like a typical village of the time. Some of the building have been moved to the property and some were originally here.
The typical general store and merchandise that would be stocked.
Fabrics and notions.
Various sewing items and shoes.The back room of the store.
A house of worship.
We really enjoyed this place, but when we were in heavily wooded areas there were mosquitos and we hadn't applied repellant that day. Of course we received more bites. Thank goodness we had a prescription cream to apply to the bites to help them heal and stop the itching.
By 8 o'clock that evening the sky was dark, lightning was flashing and thunder was pounding. The rain came down heavily. We were very glad to be in a building and not a tent.

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