Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cedars of Lebanon State Park, TN 06192011

We were really in the woods here. Far from civilization. It had rained before we arrived and was hot and very humid. As soon as we dried off after taking showers, we were as wet as we were when we stepped out of the showers. It did eventually cool down sometime during the night.
The picnic table is interesting, the benches are far too low to make eating at the table possible. We sat in the lawn chairs and used the bench for a table.
The camp chef at work again. He has it all down to a simple process. He really seems to enjoy this tent camping thing.

We expected to have a nice peaceful night. We learned, however, that the whiporwill is a nocturnal bird whick calls out all night long. When he finally quits the daytime birds chime in to fill the void. Linda also spotted a small wild cat, possibly a bobcat, creeping past the tent.

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