Friday, July 1, 2011

Twinsberg, Ohio, 07012011

We decided to head for home this morning due to several circumstances, one being the fact that we did not get our passports packed and would be unable to do the Canada part of the trip. We took the I-90 West heading for Twinsberg, PA, for the night. Being on the interstate was a relief after yesterday's very rural roads. We covered a lot of ground today and will play it by ear from now on. We are concerned about this being a holiday weekend and hope we will be able to find lodging the next few days.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

JoAnn Arnold said...

Just been catching up with your trip. I think you're having a very nice time. We loved visiting Bostom. Cory showed us MIT. It has some very unique buildings. Jessie will be going back there, in August. She is getting her masters at Emerson. Cory's going to go back for a week and help her get settled.