Friday, July 1, 2011

Norman Rockwell Museum, 06302011

We departed Somers and headed for Stockbridge, Mass. Our hosts had told us to be sure and visit the Norman Rockwell Museum. We had planned to do this on our last trip three years ago, but didn't, and hadn't thought about it this year.

We reached Huntington, Mass. at 11 AM. Arrived at the museum at noon and had lunch before going in. A delightful woman led our group, telling us about Mr. Rockwell and his works, after which we were left to view the original paintings on our own. There was also a section on animation and the development of the characters with videos from Ice Age. Dan enjoyed the videos with the children while Linda examined every piece. Dan enjoyed the artwork, too. This was just as exciting as the Basketball Hall of Fame.
It just didn't seem appropriate to photograph the artwork, so we only have these two pictures for this day.

After leaving the Museum we reached New York state. Somehow we never managed to get a photo of the "Welcome to New York" signs, but we did enter the state a few times. We passed by Albany, the state capitol, and drove on through the country side. The scenery was beautiful, but we began to get concerned about finding a place for dinner and a place to spend the night. Many of the small communities had no lodging or restaurants. We stopped at a few motels that seemed to be open, but could find no one at the front desks. We found a great looking bead & breakfast, but the owner was at work until 7 PM and her visiting grandmother didn't know how to get hold of her, but we did find a place to eat.
We ended up staying in Syracuse were we arrived at 8 PM quite exhausted.

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