Friday, July 1, 2011

Basketball Hall of Fame @ Springfield, MA 06282011

Springfield, MA., the Basketball Hall of Fame
Dan was quite excited about visiting here. Well, we both were. We are big fans of basketball.
The center of the building is a huge basketball court lined with baskets on the perimeter. Every type of basketv & backboard in the history of the game is represented. Visitors are welcome to grab a ball and try their skills.
The dome is lined with photos of those inducted. We looked at them all and remembered many of them. The careers of men & women are cronicled here. One person is on this wall twice - John Wooden, as a player and as a coach. We remember him as the most successful coach at UCLA.
The game was devised by James Naismith as a sport that could be played indoors during the cold winters in Mass. He used a peach basked as the goal.

Here are some samples of the evolution of the baskets & backboards,
Dan had to join the group on the floor.

There was so much to see and take in here. It was sensory overload for both of us. History of the sport; notable players, coaches, promoters,
& announcers; the evolution of the uniform, shoes & warm ups; uniforms of the Hall of Fame inductees; samples of the announcer's booth; trophies; samples of the balls used up to the present and history of the changes. We also watched a big screen video on Michael Jordan's career. We purchased T-shirts before leaving. An exciting day.

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