Monday, June 27, 2011

Boston, Mass., 06(26&27)2011

Our host Mary. Another delightful person with the Evergreen Club. She, like us, lives within walking distance to shopping and transportation.

I don't like to include photos of our host's homes, but this one is so unique. One of the very old houses that have been converted into apartments. Mary lives on the top floor. Two stories of narrow winding steps to climb. This has to be all the exercise she would need if she did this 2 or 3 times a day. The interior of her apartment is done very nicely. Our first evening here we walked around the neighborhood to admire the beautiful houses, many have been converted into multi-family dwellings.
DAY 1:
We parked the van at Riverside Station and took the "T" into Boston. Fortunately we received plenty of assistance from the regulars, so we managed to get on the right train, and were told what to do to get back to the station at the end of the day. Here is Linda on the Green Line heading into Boston. This was a fun experience.
We arrived in Boston at noon and had lunch at Cheers.
We were upstairs since that is where the replica of the Cheers set is. It was fun trying to imagine where Norm and the others would have been seated in the TV episodes. Great sandwiches.
After lunch we boarded the Old Towne Trolley to tour the city.
This fountain in Boston park invited people to sit on the edge and cool off their feet in the water. This shot is cropped to eliminate the waders.
Pond an Bridge in the park. This park is next to Boston Commons.
Dan just had to have a photo with the park officer who, by the way, was very helpful.
Another view of the pond.

Looking back from the marina.
This is one impressive sailing yacht. Notice the power boat passing by on it's way out of the docks.A street scene.
We took the Green Line of the "T" back to Riverside Station where we had parked the van and headed on to the house of our Evergreen Club host.
DAY 2:
We walked 3 blocks to the Amtrack Commuter stop and took the purple line directly into Boston this day. No need to drive to the Riverside station. This is a shot of the entrance to the track we need to go to for our return trip. We took this, an a couple of other photos in case we forgot where we would need to be at the end of the day.
The oldest public library in the U.S.

We opened this door to tour more of the library and was surprised with what was behind it.
The library court yard.

The trolley never got us into a good position to get a photo of the front of the stadium.

The Old State House where many events around the Revolution movement took place.

A replica of the stamp that was required during the time of the Stamp Act, a tax on the usage of paper for official and legal documents, even Bills of Sale. One of the many thorns to the Colonists.A cobble stone street, one of the original Boston roads.
Dan just could help but hob-nob with one of the Red Coats.
The Old North Church where the two lanterns were used to signal that the British soldiers were approaching by sea.This shot illustrates how the sleek new glass enclad structurs stand among the historical buildings erected by the colonists. Linda is not pleased with the modern buildings that intrude in the photos of the historical buildings. Not to mention the traffic lights & signs, and power lines.
We rode the Trolley part of the day, and walked the rest. We walked along 2/3 of the Freedom Trail. We had walked this trail several years ago while on a Fall Colors Cruise out of New York, but were rushed due to limited time ashore. This time we had time to stop longer where we wanted to. Walking on the cobblestone streets was rather precarious.
We were quite tired after spending the entire day in Boston. We found our way back to the Amtrack station and returned to our host's home where we promptly took a nap.

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