Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14

The Siuslaw Bridge in Florence. Another ornate work.
Old Town Florence. We found a Kitchen Gadget shop that had the rings we have been looking for to use to make crumpets. Yes, we've found a new passion . . . homemade crumpets.
Ah, a place for men to rest while the ladies shop. But he's the one who made the find and purchased it.
We couldn't pass up this stop. Carnivorous plants.

There were little towns and small communities of houses all along the 101 highway today. We had to stop to see the carving shops. The scent of redwood was strong at this stop since that is the wood used for the carvings here. This was shortly before Tillamook.
Couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit one of the largest cheese producers in the U.S., especially when free samples were involved.

On the quest for a campground we came upon this farm growing blue and purple hydrangeas.
Since this day was Saturday the state park campgrounds were full, but we finally found a vacancy at a private campground. Shorewood RV Park in Rockaway Beach. This is the view from the edge of the campground overlooking the beach. There is a path to the beach and several visitors were out there. One family had constructed a great sandcastle.
Here is the view looking back at the campground. This area is for the guests to enjoy, and where we sat on the large boulders to look at the ocean. The fog was rolling in again and it didn't seem like great weather for walking along the shore. Besides, it has been a long day for us and we just relaxed here for a while. We had made many stops along the coast to enjoy the views, hike the trails, and have lunch. Adding the little towns all along the route to reduce the speed we did not cover the miles we had planned for today. But that doesn't matter, the important thing is to enjoy as much of the scenery as we can.

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