Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 13

We camped at Sounds of the Sea Campground in Trinidad last night. The sound come from the seals, but they were not on this beach at this time of the year. The fog was heavy during the night and we awoke to a drizzly fog. Our rug was damp and so were the shoes we left outside to slip into when we got out of the van.
We saw several signs with "Elk Crossing" warnings. Well, I guess they were appropriate since we came upon this meadow of elk soon after leaving the campground.

Look who we spotted as we entered Kalamath! Paul Bunion and his ox Blue. There is a trail into the Trees of Mystery forest. What might be there to behold will remain a mystery to us since we did not venture to explore.
finally we reached the Oregon State line. And we thought it took a long time to drive across Texas. We didn't even start at the southern most point of California.
We had fog for most of the morning, quite heavy at times, but there were places where we could get a glimpse of the ocean views. This was taken at a rest stop.
A lookout on the 101 after the fog had moved out to sea. The water along here is dotted with large outcroppings of rock.
Arch Rock at Samuel Boardman State Park.
Same vantage point looking toward the south.
Rogue River - Patterson Memorial Bridge known for its ornate design.
The real Greasy Spoon Cafe.
We camped this night at William M. Tugman State Part just south of Winchester Bay and north of Coos Bay. We enjoyed a nice stroll around the campground to see the variety of camping modes were being used. The campground has yurts to rent. There were many campers in tents and small RVs, and a few motor homes. We did see one unique trailer and had a nice visit with the occupants. The fog came in again, but we were more inland so it was not damp here.

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