Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trip North July 11

Leaving Limekiln State Park.
This moth had set up camp at the bottom of the window of the park entrance office. It is the largest moth we have ever seen. It was still here when we left giving us an opportunity to get this photo.
An incredible produce market at Moss Landing. We purchased some items after having lunch here. The donut shaped fruit in the bottom photo is a variety of peach....donut peach.
Dan found this state park while planning the trip, so we had to be sure to make a stop here, in Felton.
We traveled on the 101 route which took us through San Francisco along the western portion. We did not go through the main part of the city. This route will take us across the Golden Gate Bridge.
We were looking forward to seeing the Golden Gate Bridge, but the fog was low and heavy. This is all we could see as we reached the bridge.
The fog was less dense as we crossed and this was our final view. Once we reached the north end the sky was clear.
Looking back at San Francisco. We reached this point at commuter time and the traffic was slow. It took us a while to reach our next destination, the KOA in Petaluma. The temperature approaching SF was in the 90's, but, of course, was cool through SF. As we got further from SF the temperature rose higher and higher. Our van actually registered the outside temp. at 101 at one point. We were concerned that we would meet with hot weather in Petaluma, but it was in the low 80's when we arrived. It cooled considerably in the evening. We had to use the sleeping bag as a cover to keep warm.

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