Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Heading North July 10, 2012

Morro Bay
Welcome to Morro Bay. Just behind me is Morro Rock.
Just north of San Simeon this beach is a home to the elephant seals. They migrate between here and Alaska, but not all at the same time, so there are always seals here.
The young adult males are practicing the bellowing call.
Looking southward from the beach.
Our first campground for this trip is at Limekiln State Park. The beach is very close to our site.

We hiked the trail along the stream in the park and saw many little waterfalls.
This is the main and larger fall. It is beautiful, but this photo did not turn out well.
One of the many little falls along the creek.
The kins were built in 1887 to extract lime from the surrounding limestone deposits. The lime was shipped out for use in concrete. After only 3 years the depsits were depleted and the kiln abandoned.

The "camper van" with the new chuck boxes that Dan built to function as a kitchen. They worked quite well.
The camp cook at work on dinner for our first night. It was simple, but tasty.

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