Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 20-22

May 20: We returned to Falling Waters State Park in Florida since we enjoyed our stay there on the way out.
The singing of the birds and noise of the locusts was like a chorus meant just for us.
Dan reading the alcohol burner for cooking breakfast. He made this set up with soda cans and some materials he had on hand in his shed at home.
The burner has been lit, but the flame is difficult to see in the daylight.
Dan's favorite cooking utensil. It is great for making pancakes.
He mixed the batter in a Ziploc bag, cut a hole in one corner and can easily dispense just the amount he wants for each pancake. Very little clean-up required here.
This is what the highways looked like for most of the traveling east Texas. Linda took several photos of these highways, but one says it all?
May 21: Maddisonville, Louisiana
This campground adjoins a golf course. It was very warm and muggy this day, but the forecast said it would cool to a comfortable temp. by 9 PM.
Our Van is in the third space back. This is a beautiful campground on the bank of a river. The restrooms and showers are the best we have encountered.
The bridge over a portion of the river where people can fish, or just enjoy the shade.
Dan picked a spot near a lady who was fishing and had a nice long conversation with her and her husband.

This historic house is on the State Park grounds, but since we were there on Monday we were not able to do the tour.

This is quite an oak tree!
The daytime park area.
The dragon flies were abundant and not wary of curious people. The coloring does not show with the sun behind, but the next photo was taken on the sunlit side of the dragon fly.

It was almost as if these guys were posing for the park visitors.
The tent area of the campground was closed due to tree removal. Diseased pine trees were being cut down.
Leaving Madisonvill on the morning of the 22nd we crossed a bridge and had a nice view of the docks for private boats.
May 22: To Texas
May 22: Houston, TX, freeway interchange on the way to Sealy and the campground Dan had selected.
We camped in Stephen F. Austin State Park. As soon as we parked in our space and opened the doors these butterflies flew into the van. This one seemed determined to stay, but Linda managed to coax it onto a pencil. She carried it out to show to Dan before shooing it away to freedom. The next morning at breakfast one landed on her finger, perhaps to find some tiny morsel of food. Oh, to have had the camera handy right then.
It was quite hot and muggy when we arrived so we selected the shadiest vacant spot we could find close to the restrooms. It did cool to a comfortable temp. around 10 PM. Luckily was had purchased a small fan that morning which helped considerably when we turned in for the night.
Nothing like a rousing game of computer solitaire after a long day's drive. Linda had considered a hike on one of the nature trails until she saw the "look out for snakes" signs.

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