Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Limon, CO. 07152011

Big Travel day today, almost 400 miles to cover. However, the speed limit in Kansas is 75 MPH so we should make good time. Driving across Kansas is like driving across Nevada, a lot of the same scenery and quite boring. The sight of wind turbines did offer something interesting to see. This photo shows how large these things actually are.

A familiar sight here.
Entering Colorado did not offer much change in the scenery though. Once we get past Denver tomorrow there will be mountains to add interest to the landscape.

The place we stayed last night was quite awful. It looked like it had been a different hotel company gone under and the owners took it over and did some fixing up. The lobby looked freshly painted and had new furniture. The hallways had poorly done patching on the walls and worn carpet. It looked like the room had been painted then damaged areas of the walls poorly patched. The carpet in our room looked new. The grounds were messy and neglected.
While looking on the Internet yesterday evening for places to stay in Limon we found a Bed & Breakfast that looked very interesting. We called and reserved a room. We were delighted to find that the place is as good as it looked to be.
We are on a 15,000 acre working cattle ranch. The owners have horses which we haven't seen, but hope to tomorrow morning. Of course there is their boarder collie which is a great dog. We were greeted at the front door by the two family cats. The accommodations are fabulous, and the owners very friendly, welcoming people. And then there is the prospect of have a marvelous breakfast prepared for us tomorrow morning.

Views from the house.
The corral for the horses. I don't know where the horses are, but they have plenty of property to roam and graze.

We went into town for dinner. We needed to get a couple of items at a drug store and this is what we found. Quite a combination, but that is how is often is in small communities like this one.
The building across the street from the drug/sundries store.
Beth, the B&B proprietor suggested that we visit the museum. It is work renown she told us, so we took her advise. The museum is behind the City Hall building.
There is the railroad depot and this is the interior of the antique dining car.
Who else should man the stove but Dan the master cook.
The caboose.

The caboose and dining car.
A freight car.
The interior of a Shepherd's wagon.
The classic chicken coop.

From there we moved on to another building with displays from the past.
Gasoline pump.
A typical living room (or parlor as it may have been called).
Kitchen with the first type of refrigerator and an electric washing machine. This may have been typical in the 1940's.
A mock-up of the General Store.
There were displays of Native American artifacts and geological finds, but it was not possible to get satisfactory photos of those items. This was indeed an exceptional museum.
Now it is time to retire to a very comfortable bed in a beautiful room. Linda may need a stool in order to get into and out of it though.

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