Monday, July 4, 2011

From Missouri to Kansas 07042011

330 miles to go today to get to the next stop in Kansas. We had rainy weather for the first 30 miles. Once we drove out of the storm the sky continued to clear. We crossed the Missouri River again.

We could see how the water has risen far above the normal banks and has yet to subside here.

Hey Emma! Here's your own town.
Missouri farm.We have seen these flowers along the road side for a few days and finally got to get a close look at a rest stop.
These thistles were there, too.
Kansas City Royals Stadium. It caught us by surprise and we almost didn't get this shot.
Kansas City Skyline on the Missouri side.Finally reached Kansas.
Kansas farm. Couldn't resist getting a photo of the bales of hey in the field.
Looks like we are running out of trees.
This reminds us of the road to Las Vegas, except with lots of green. It is, however, almost as hot.
Our destination town has a high of 96 today with high humidity!
We arrived at Junction city about 3:30 pm and rested before going to the town 4th event. We read about it on the Internet. This dog agility show began at 5 pm.

The finally.WWII Memorial. Fort Riley and Marshall Field are just east of Junction City.
Civil War Memorial.The fireworks show starts at 10 pm, hope we can stay awake for it.

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