Thursday, June 16, 2011

Shawnee, OK, 06162011

We had no WiFi, or had inadequate WiFi service, so far along the road. So, we are covering several day in today's session of entries. We stopped at McDonald's along the way to check our email and check out the weather forecasts for our destinations. Today, Thursday, we finally have the WiFi service we need to get things done.

It has been hot and windy all day, and we were glad to finally see some green in the landscape just before leaving Texas. Thank goodness we're out of Texas!!! Oklahoma is very green and lots of trees, but still hot with strong winds. We had planned to camp just outside Oklahoma City, but decided that a hotel, and far away from the city would be better. So we are in Shawnee, OK, tonight. Not too close to the freeway. We dined at Denny's since it was close enough to walk. Linda opted for a salad after having the steak and potato on Wed.

It is humid here, and still in the 90's. The desk clerk said it will get to the low 80's - high 70's tonight, but the Internet check on the weather didn't agree. Doesn't matter anyway, since we are sleeping inside tonight.

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