Thursday, June 16, 2011

06132011 Holbrook, AZ
KOA campground where we camped. The wind was really blowing when we arrived. The park manager told us that it would die down and the temp. would cool down at dusk. We decided to shower and get dinner before setting up the tent so we wouldn't have to worry about it blowing away.
This is where we had dinner. Dan found the cafe on the internet with a coupon for a free deep fried apple enchalad with the purchase of 2 dinners. The food was good and the apple enchalada was delicious. As is the case with most Mexican food places, there was way too much food on the plates.
The Wigwam Motel which is directly across from the restaurant. Vintage cars are part of the setting.

We happened to be in Holbrook when there was a performace of dances by the local Native Americans. The dancers varied in ages from about 4 yrs. to adults. The apparell was beautiful and I wish we could have seen more of the fronts.

It had been a long day with the hike at the Walnut Cyn. ruins, so we didn't stay long. We had to get the tent set up & ready for the night. The wind did stop and the temp. did cool. The KOA servs pancakes for breakfast for $1.99 per person, all you can eat, so we had a nice breakfast before heading out on Wed. morning.

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