Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July22: Grand Island, Nebraska

Nebraska, entering another state. This bridge takes us over the Missouri River which is the state line between Iowa and Nebraska. We are on a bee line for home from now on. If we see something of interest we will check it out, but today is a camp, rest and plot the path to home day. We need to be home by the 3rd of August. After the first month and a half we were both wanting to be home, then we got over that and wanted to keep traveling.

Linda thinks of her experiences riding horses and feels the old saying is true, "The horse has to be encouraged to head away from the barn, but is ready to make a fast return."

We have seen a great amount of flat land or rolling hills. We see rolling hills when we first enter Nebraska, but soon we are looking at scenes like this. We will have to get use to the mountains again after we cross the Rockies.

We know we have loads of photos of corn fields, but this one caught our eyes.

This is a field damaged by flooding from the heavy rains. We are traveling north of the areas where the flooding was so devastating, but have seen some fields that show the effects.

Many of the Fields we have driven by have been replanted after the soil dried enough. Many farmers have put in soy beans in these areas instead of corn.

Finally a group of farm building and silos close enough to really see them. If one were on an exhibition to photograph farms, silos and barns our path of travel so far would be excellent.

In the past week most of the corn crops have blossomed out. The KOA RV park where we are camped is on the grassy side of this fence. Dan is 6'1", so this gives an idea of how tall the corn is. We can also see that the stalks have fairly good sized ears. This is "dent corn", the variety used to produce animal feed and ethanol. Before this crop is harvested it is left to dry out. Unlike "sweet corn" which is the type consumed by us people.

The stalks are so close together that weeds can't grow. The farms, fields, towns, and landscapes we have passed through in the past month are picture perfect. Green, clean and well taken care of. We have seen State Pride among the citizens of these state and it is impressive.

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