Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23: Ogallala, Nebraska

The Great Platte River Archway Monument. This spans the width of I-80. We look this up in the Nebraska Travel Guide we picked up at the Visitor Center. By the time we find out what this monument entails it is too late to stop. It includes a museum covering the development of the west. This archway is quite impressive and visible from miles away.

Just past the archway is this "abandoned" state coach.

"Wind Sculpture" in a pond at the rest stop near North Platte. The panels are hinged so that the wind can make them move. The wind is light today and two of the panels are moving slightly. As you can see the panels face in several directions so that what ever the direction of the wind there will be movement somewhere in the sculpture.

While photographing the sculpture we see these huge mushrooms in the grass. These have been pulled up, most likely by children. Whether they are edible we do not know.

Here we are again under a T-storm watch. We finally have cable TV service and can watch the news and keep informed about the weather. This is the sky to the west of us, and.....

this is the sky to the east of us. We see a couple of flashes of lightning, hear a few rolls of thunder in the distance, have a light sprinkling of rain, but that is it so far. The clouds lift from the western horizon a little and the sunset is beautiful.
We may take in some of the points of interest tomorrow, or just head on to Wyoming where it is cooler. The temps are going to be in the high 80's & low 90's here tomorrow, and with this humidity it is not comfortable outside. It is good that the trailer has an air conditioner.

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