Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 15 - 20, Minnesota

While publishing the last post Linda had to sit out side until 9:30 pm. to get a good enough WiFi signal. She applied Skin-So-Soft to keep the mosquitoes off, but didn't get it into her hair line. After brushing away a few of the pests she brought out the citronella candle, but it was too late she ended up with 4 bites on her forehead and one in her part. It seems that by the time one feels the brush of the mosquito's wings one has already been bitten. She did, however, enjoy watching the fireflies.

July 15: Today we are heading north. The interstate takes us right through St. Paul, MN.

We stopped for gas at Sandstone and this stand of pines makes an interesting picture.

After setting up we walk around the RV park and find a group of people who are on an annual camp out. They always have a competition for the best decorated camp site. This particular site is that of a couple who participate in Civil War re-enactments and this is the gear they use. They decided to make this their bid for this year.

As soon as we see their black bear, along with the moose, we asked if our bear can visit. He even seems to be smiling. He has loads of fun visiting with this group.
These are some of the birch trees that cover this general area. There are also a few varieties of pines and other deciduous trees, but the birches realy stand out. This particular day we had some sunshine which made the white trunks stand out.

Some other views from our camp site.

This park is so far out that there is no sign of civilization except that we do have electricity and water hook-ups. The electricity is under ground so the feeling of wilderness is not ruined. The camp sites are scattered among the trees and many seem secluded. However, the deer flies are busy during the day and the mosquitoes are busy in the evening and all night (except for when it is raining). Thank goodness we have plenty of Skin-S0-Soft. We have insect repellent, but it is in a pump spray bottle which is difficult to use and is not good when sprayed on the face. Skin-So-Soft seems to work better than the repellent and it is a good moisturizer.

This is the view from our trailer door.
We had booked this camp ground for some of the activities they offered, but it rained every day except the day we got these shots. We had planned on inner tubing down the St. Croix River, but it poured that day. Linda wasn't too disappointed about this since she is hydrophobic and one of our fellow campers, who is a MN resident, said that with the heavy rains this year the river would probably be running faster than normal. Dan would have really enjoyed the river and was dissappointed. He enjoys visiting with the neighboring campers everywhere we stay, so is happy to fill the time this way.
We spent a lot of time in the trailer reading and playing games on our laptops. Dan enjoys Free Cell and Linda is getting to understand the Jewel Quest game the Heywoods gave them for the trip. It wasn't all a "wash out", we visited with other campers and did get to enjoy some of the activities. The RV park has hired a live band for Friday & Saturday evening, and the seasonal residents have prepared a play. The band was excellent and the play was really good.
Many of the private & state RV camp grounds have seasonal/permanent sections. The residents in these areas are mostly from the local and surrounding areas. We get a real taste of the accents of the local people in these parks. Here we are surrounded by Minnesota residents and have started talking like them.
The only RV park with seasonal/permanent residents where we didn't meet any residents was in Port Byron, IL, since the place had been flooded. The entrance to that park had been under water and had only been clear for a couple of days before we arrived. In fact we seemed to be the only people there beside the manager.

July20: We are heading back to Albert Lee in Iowa. We are going through St. Paul, MN, again. We noticed this on the way north and decided to get a photo as we headed south. This is the ski slope just north of St. Paul, and yes it is right off Interstate 35! These people don't have to go far to hit the slopes.

Fields of corn and soy beans as far as the eye can see. The farming in the Midwest is vast. We have seen many Farm Equipment and Mower dealers in past few weeks.

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