Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20

We noticed these lilies along the front walkway of the Jones' home. We have never seen a variety like this one, and Evelyn couldn't recall the name. We were heading to Yellowstone National Park this morning hoping to find a spot at a campground and spend the night.
We spotted this moose crossing the road just after leaving the Jones' house. He walked into a wheat field and paid no attention to us.
When we entered the park we saw a large sign listing the campground. All but 2 were full. We thought that we might be able to get one of the cabins in the Old Faithful area. We drove to that spot, parked in a huge parking lot and saw this bus in front of the lodge.
We walked the geyser loop, a 5 mile path. There are several steaming, boiling and erupting geysers in this area.
The colors are varied and interesting. The deep blues being the hottest - 199 degrees F. The white is next in cooler temp, and as the colors move from yellow - orange - tan - browns - almost black the temperature progresses to 80 degrees. The cooler colors are produced by bacterium that exist at the various temperatures.

This little guy caught our attention with his bright blue color as he flew to this spot.
When we returned to the lodge we enquired at the desk for accodations at the campgrounds, cabins and lodges. There were only two rooms at one of the lodges about an hour away, but at $230 a night that was not acceptable. Every thing else was fully booked, so we decided to go back to Rexburg.
Now where did we park? Luckily we made it a point to take careful note of where we parked so we could find our van when we were ready to leave. We had walked for 3 hours in the hot sun and were exhausted.
In traveling to and from Yellowstone we passed through a portion of Montana. The west entrance of the park is in Montana, but the bulk of the park is in Wyoming.
Returning to Idaho. We were hot, slightly sunburned and very tired, but we had enjoyed the visit. However, we decided that we would not return to the park for a second day.

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