Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, Visit to Caladesi Island

Lee took us to Caladesi Island where there is a beautiful sandy beach. Here Dan has just purchased our tickets for the boat ride to the island.
One of Lee's neighbors is the boat captain for our ride.

Cormorants perched atop the posts.
Lee combing the beach for shells.

The shells were thickly laid along the surf line.
Dan was relaxing while Lee and Linda walked along the surf line looking for interesting shells.
The seagull of the central Florida shore. This is call a Laughing Gull since the call sounds like a laugh. These gulls weren't as aggressive as the Pacific Gulls around the picnic bags of the beach.
Heading back to the dock for the return to the mainland.
The Red Mangroves that grow in this area.
This car was parked in front of Lee's car. The Love Bugs made an interesting pattern. The little flying insects were everywhere. We all had a nice nap when we returned to Lee's place. We had dinner at a great Mexican restaurant.

1 comment:

JoAnn Arnold said...

Okay, I'm jealous. I think you two had a great vacation. Can't wait for the pictures you'll send me. glad you'll be home safe.