Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16 Sponge Docks, Florida

This little old lady, or Yia Yia, was just inside one of the shops at the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs. We couldn't resist getting a picture of Dan with her. This community was settled by the Greek sponge harvesters.

Bags of sponges waiting to be sorted by size and quality.
Here are two people at work grading the sponge harvest. It is quite a process getting them to this point.
Views of the docks and quaint little town.

The storm was moving in toward us.
We visited the sponge factory's museum and when we were ready to leave for lunch the dark clouds were above us and it was pouring rain. Luckily there is a restaurant just a few step away from the factory. We ducked into the restaurant and ordered lunch. The storm really let loose while we were eating.
This is shot from the front of the restaurant. The Greek lunch we had was delicious, and of course we had food left to take back to Lee's. He will have plenty of left overs after we leave. He won't have to cook for several days.

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