Saturday, May 5, 2012

Leaving Arizona

One more photo at the Arizona rest stop before we get back on the road. Linda wanted Dan to stand infront of the Joshua Tree so it would look like it was growing out of his head, but he didn't cooperate.
We needed to get an adapter to use at the campsites where only 30 amp service was available. We have regular household extension cords. We saw a sign for an RV supply store as we approached Wilcot and decided to see if we could find the adapter. We found the store and this gunslinger manning the place. He was in costume for a re-enactment of a shootout in the historical area of the town. The shootouts were to be a 2 & 4 PM. If we hadn't been there at 10 AM with some mileage to get behind we would have stayed.
New Mexico!

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