Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kartchner Caverns Campground, Arizona

This was a great place to camp. Interesting birds and very quiet. We visited with some of the other campers and their dogs. Dan was in heaven. We even encountered a scorpion just inside the door of the men's restroom. Of course Linda had to check it out, what do you expect?

We did not go into the caverns. We plan to visit Carlsbad Caverns and figured one cavern would be enough. Besides it was late in the afternoon when we arrived and we needed to get to our camp site, do the little bit of set up required and get in a nap before Dan had to prepare dinner.

Our dinner was "tossed salads and scrambled eggs", if you get the significance of that.

The moon was full and gave us plenty of light to walk around after dark. the defined shadows we cast reminded Linda of a song.

This variety of cactus was everywhere. Many had blossoms.
We managed to catch a bee at work while getting this close up of the cactus flower.
After leaving the campground the next day we stopped at the last rest stop in Arizona before crossing into New Mexico. We had stopped here on our first trip to Florida several years ago. The interesting rock formations deserved being photographed a second time.
Now on to New Mexico......

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