Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Amish Farms & Lancaster, PA, June 14

This market is named after the town in which it is located. The products here are top notch in quality.

Just inside of the entrance is this deli booth. There are booths with produce, booths with baked goods, booth with canned goods. We decide to buy a slice of Shoo Fly Pie since neither of have ever seen or tasted this kind of pie. We have seen it made on a few TV programs and this is an adventure even when food is involved. The pie filling is like a custard and interesting but not something we are excited about.

One of the houses we see throughout the farm lands. This one was impressive. There are far too many lovely houses to photograph them all or to include in this blog.

The horse drawn buggies all have these reflectors on the back, most likely due to state regulations. Some are fully enclosed to protect riders from the elements, and some are open like this one. We see youngsters on bicycles without pedals, we'll have to research this to see if the use of gears is prohibited in this sect. There are children pulling flatbed wagons, and everyone seems to busy doing something constructive.

Street side of the mill.

Amish Farm. The farms are beautifully green and picture perfect. The houses and barns are large, beautiful and well cared for. This is a "picture perfect" landscape. The corn crops are in various stages of maturity, no doubt to stagger the harvests.

This particular farm has a row of flowering and decorative plants along this edge. Hope these photos convey the scenery well.

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