Saturday, June 21, 2008

We're working on it

The spotty WiFi services we've encountered the past week have made it difficult or impossible to upload our photos. We will get caught up soon, hopefully. Most of the RV parks have WiFi, but sometimes the signal is weak where we are located, or more users are on line than the router can accommodate.

Please, bear with us.

We did reach New York, the Empire State, on Monday. We stayed in Corning for three nights and are presently in Wolcott near Lake Ontario. Tomorrow we head for Niagara Falls. We have seen some beautiful country. We opted to forgo New York City and visit other part of the state, and are sure you will understand when the photos finally get uploaded.

We have had much cooler weather starting with the day we visited Philadelphia, and the Bear is much happier. In fact, since we hit New York it has been stormy and quite chilly untill today.

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