Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 28 & 29: St. George, Utah

On the I-15 from Provo to St. George we see fields of alfafa and even some with corn. Here is a piece of farming equipment waiting to go to work.

We watch the temperature rise as we get closer to St. George. When we arrive it is 105, but dry. We will spend a couple of days with the Arnolds.

We visit the Huff's this afternoon and are impressed with the progress on their home remodel project. They have done an excellent job. We also look at the latest electric guitar Gary has built. He used three different patterned rose woods and the result is beautiful.

The Bear really enjoys the visit here in St. George. The Arnolds have a couple of bears for him to hang out with. On Wed. morning the bears enjoy tea in the back yard while it is still cool enough to be out side. The Bear and Dan take naps to prepare for the last leg of the trip while the rest of us go to a movie.

We all go out for dinner and have root beer floats and cookies later in the evening.

The temperature outside is 106 today and we decide to make the trek across the desert during the night. We get everything ready to leave, Dan goes to bed early for a few hours of sleep before we hit the road. The original plan was to make this part of the trip in two days, but Dan feels that he is up to driving the distance in one night.

Linda has to stay up and visit with her brother & sister, take advantage of every minute she has to spend with them. Dan awakes at midnight and we are on the road by 12:10 am.

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