Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 26: Rock Springs, WY

On our way to Rock Springs we pass by the town of Sinclair. This is what we see; the Sinclair oil refinery with a small community to the west of it.

We are now seeing hills and mountains. This one with the rocks at the top is interesting. Talk about going from one extreme to another. We left the high humidity and green landscape and are now in a desert climate and higher altitude. It is so dry that we are downing water constantly.
We are at the KOA in Rock Springs. It has gotten windy and after we get the trailer set up the force of the wind gets stronger and, as can be seen in this photo, has blown in the storm clouds. The sky is soon a blanket of clouds and the wind is causing the trailer to rock. If any rain did fall over us it dried up before hitting the ground. We spend the rest of the day inside. The winds die down by night fall. Tomorrow the chore will be to get out on the road before the winds pick up again.

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