Sunday, June 8, 2008

D.C. Day One, starting out

This mother & daughter team helped us find our barrings after disembarking the Metro train. All the white canopies and tents you may see in the photos are set up for an upcoming event and block the immediate view of the Mall. This makes it difficult to get a sense of which way to walk. We also want to be sure we can identify the land marks where the escalators to the train are located and this photo would help. The mother picked up a couple of D.C. maps in the Metro station, one of which she gave to us. The map will be very useful. Linda always feels more comfortable when she has a printed map in her hands to follow. This map is importand since we want to be sure to visit the building we are interested in seeing, and it show the locations of eateries and restrooms. Dan and Linda don't like venture out without knowing where the food and toilets are located.

Museum of Natural History across the Mall from the Smithsonian Castle. The museums are so large that is is impossible to get an entire building in the frame of my camera lens, even at this distance. I can only get sections of the Smithsonian Castle form the walkway in front of it. I plan to get shots of it tomorrow when we cover the other side o the Mall.

You will notice that photos are being added to the Day One in D.C. post. Make sure to check this day for additions, the reason is:

There was a thunder storm last night. The sky was constantly lit up with lightning, followed by the rolls of thunder. Two claps of thunder were so loud that it made us jump. The wind was really blowing at the beginning of the storm, but decreased as the night went on. We had some rain, but not as much as we expected to come from the dark clouds over head.

The camp ground did not lose electricity like the surrounding neighborhood, but I experienced problems with the Internet and could not get all of the photos I wanted to include uploaded. I am working on getting that done, but am still having some connective or signal strength issues. Now I am behind again since I need to finish June 7 before I can start on June 8, but I will keep working on getting the updates posted.

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