Friday, June 13, 2008

Clarksboro, Tuesday, June 10

Another hot, hot, humid day! We have decided that we are going to hide out in air conditioned places today. Tomorrow promises to be much cooler and drier, so we will visit Philadelphia then. We get directions to a mall and movie theaters from the office. Linda does need to get a couple more pairs of shorts.

We find the mall and buy two pair of shorts. Across the street from the mall is a multi cinema and we decide to see "Kung-fu Panda" since it is the next movie to start. The movie is fun and the CGA is incredible. Too bad the Bear didn't want to come along. Since the trailer has an air conditioner we can keep it cool in this hot weather and he had opted to remain there.

We spend the rest of the day reading books we brought with us. Also, being old people, we need our afternoon nap so we can stay awake until bed time.

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