Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 2 - Knoxville

These geese were working the ground near some tables at the lake's edge. This is the area for tents. The RVs are back in the trees. The place is pretty, but the people managing the camp ground fall short of being helpful, friendly, knowledgeable, and willing to do more than the minimum. Just think of the classics stereotypical "hillbilly" and you've got it. There is a jack in the office to hook up to the Internet, but the lady in charge doesn't know the pass word and seems worried when asked if we can bring in our laptops so we can get on the web. She does let
us check our e-mail on the computer on the desk. The rest rooms and showers were nice and clean. I did find an unsecured wifi signal, but is was weak and was gone after 7pm. Uploading the photos with the resolution we're using is impossible with a weak signal. We will be up and our of here as early as possible tomorrow. We thought we were in a backwoods area until we walked to the lake and saw these houses surrounding it, and a bridge with a regular stream of traffic.

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