Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 22-24

From Rexburg, Idaho, to Provo, Utah.

We departed Rexburg, Idaho on the 22nd and camped that night at Utah Lake State Park. The weather was hot and muggy, and the paper wasps were busy looking for place to build nests. The citronella candle seemed to drive them away. The clouds rolled in, but dropped very little moisture, but did cool things down a bit.
On the morning of the 23th we headed to St. George, a trip southward on Interstate 15. When we arrived at Santa Clara (next to St. George) it was only 98 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioners. Linda's sisters & brother threw together a family dinner that night. JoAnn brought out some old family photos; some them very old photos of relatives generations back. We had a great time. Gary was recovering from gall bladder surgery he had undergone four days earlier, but seemed to fair well. We stayed at Karen's house.
The morning of the 24th we took Karen to JoAnn's so Dan could show them how to make crumpets, our latest food fascination. Linda and JoAnn worked on scanning a damaged photo of their dad at probably about 2 year of age into Linda's laptop. Linda worked on cleaning up the damaged areas so she can print copies for them all to have.
We had lunch at JoAnn & Brent's house, then Linda took a crumpet to her Mother and visited there for a while. That evening Dan made his vegetarian spaghetti for dinner with Karen at her house. We plan to continue the trip homeward tomorrow.

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