Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns May 7

Our visit to the caverns was great. We certainly got in plenty of walking, over two hours worth. No photos of the caverns, Linda did not want to bother with the camera. You’ll just have go there someday and experience them for yourselves, if you haven’t already. We were disappointed that we were there too early in the year to watch the bats emerge from the cave opening in the evening. We had lunch at the visitors’ center and selected some items from the store to purchase.

The sky was cloudy all day and it started to lightening, thunder and rain about 5 pm. We ended up eating dinner in the van. It carried on all night long and rained quite heavily with some hail to boot. When we opened the door around midnight to make the trek to the restroom we realized that where we were parked had become a pond. We moved to another spot hoping the management would understand.

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