Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last Stretch of Road Home

Saying goodbye to Mom. Linda was so glad to have a few days to visit here.
Leaving St. George, UT.
Arizona is just a few miles from St. George. We cut through a corner of this state.
The rain started just after the state line. We hope it doesn't follow us home.
The landscape continues to change as we drive along the I-15.
The Virgin River. It is quite muddy with all the rain in the area the past few days.
Nevada, we're getting closer! At least we have emerged from the rain storm to blue skies.

The long desert highway ahead of us.
Enjoying the scenery at 70 mph.
Passing by Las Vegas. The traffic was light at this time of the morning.
Back in the home state, and the California desert.

More long stretch of road. Here is the boring desert part of the trip.
The rest stop in San Bernardino County that has been rebuilt. The last time we were by here the place was closed and under construction. They did a great job. We are getting closer to the mountains again.
Mojave, where highway 58 meets the 14.
From the 14 to the I-5 in Santa Clarita. Passing Valencia.
Not far now.
Driving through the orange groves.
The farm land, Orange trees on the hill side.Lemon trees.
Home! Our neighbor did a great job of caring for the plants while we were gone.
We had a wonderful time. It would have been fun to have been able to camp more on the way back, but the weather was too hot and there were thunder storms almost every night. The best part about being here . . . the fabulous weather!
Now, if we can get the bug spatters off the front of the van (that's Dan's department). The vehicle served us well.


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