Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4,5,6 & 7 Joiliet, Illinois

We are camped at the Oasis RV Park at the Empress Casino on the Des Plains River. This is the only RV park we were able to get into for these days. This park caters to those who come to gamble in the casino and there are no brochures in the office on local points of interest. There is no Internet service of any kind. We check out the hotel to see if Internet connections are available there, but no. We do get a Joliet area map which will be helpful. We find a few places to visit. We also need to do laundry and find a laundromat.

The Casino on the River. The walls inside resemble Egyptian temples & tombs, some in relief.

Hey! there's a White Castle burger place! We have to stop there for lunch. We have been wanting to eat at a White Castle and now's the chance. Out impression: so-so, but interesting.

Another place we have been looking for, and Aldi grocery store. We stopped here for some supplies. Very nicely laid out and very low prices. On our way out the toddler in the cart in front of us reaches out for Dan and squeals as if he knew Dan as we pass by.

Bird Haven Green House and Conservatory.

we are looking through the water fall as the walkway goes behind it.

The fall and pond. The place is beautiful and we spend some time wandering through the green house and around the grounds.

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