Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 21, Palmyra, NY

Bay of Lake Ontario in Wolcott, New York
Fountain in the Wolcott Town Square. We pass this on our way to the local Strawberry Festival. Dan visits with the guys who brought their tractors in for display while Linda samples the strawberry shortcake (made with home made short cake, by the way).
The fountain, made of metal, was painted white at one time because the mayor at that time didn't like the color. In recent years the new mayor didn't like the plain white and had the fountain painted in colors. Well, the use of colors brought out the feature and it was covered for a period of time. It is amazing how some people think, a sculpture should not be painted in a manner not intended by the artist.
We leave the park and head to Palmyra, the birth place of Joseph Smith.

This is a replica of the house in which Joseph was born. It is built on the original foundation from references to records and descriptions of the original house.

The original fencing on the farm looked like this and was quick and easy to build, and easy to repair.

The kitchen sink of the second house built on the property, which still stands. This house is not a split log house like the first one built.

Path into the Sacred Grove.

One of the four beautiful churches built on an intersection of streets in Palmyra. The other three follow.

Each is, of course, of a different denomination.

A section of the Erie Canal running through the village.

A hiking/bicycle path at the bridge over the canal. Check out the signs, this is quite a path.

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