Monday, May 19, 2008

To Gallup, New Mexico

We drove to a camp ground in Gallup. We spent the remainder of the day relaxing, resting up for the next few day of travel.
Remains of a petrified forest along Interstate 40 heading to New Mexico. The sign has faded so much that it can no longer be read. This must have been a tourist stop at some time.

We stopped at Meteor Crater (still in Arizona), not only a large crater, but a well preserved one. At the bottom of the Meteor Crater is a digging site. The digging is to find shards of the meteor that penetrated the gound when it hit the ground.

View of the Metior Crater through the railing to give a sense of how big the crater is.

A Space Capsule Landing Module just out side the Visitor's Center

The Bear oversees the hitching up process so nothing is forgotten. There is a check list to follow, of course. Then we're on our way to Gallup, NM.

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